Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Because of you

It happened because of you.
(Jessica’s POV)          
              I walked into my dorm room with a heavy heart. After meeting up with Kim Hyung Joong I feel so lost. I liked him from the moment I met him. But he loved Krystal. And they are gonna marry soon.
              I walked towards my bed and sat on it. I felt so lost, I didn’t know what to do next. Krystal is so lucky. Mom and dad will be so proud of her.
              “What’s wrong unnie?” Sunny asked me as she entered our room. I was so lost in my world I didn’t know that she even came inside until she snapped her fingers in front of my face.
              “Huh? What is it Sunny?” I asked her as I rested my head on the pillow. I didn’t bother to change. I was used to getting insults but this time it was different.
              “Unnie, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” she kept on asking me and I gave her a weak smile and nodded my head to say nothing is wrong.
              “Nothing happened, just go to sleep.” I said to her and turn to face towards the wall. I wasn’t in the mood to talk. I didn’t bother to change from my party cloths.
              I didn’t know what to do, I felt like I was lost in his maze.
              “Ah, it hurts you idiot!” I cried out in pain, at the person who was standing in front of me. A ball hit my arm and I yelled at the direction where it came from.
              “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” Someone came running towards me and Krystal. He was a little tall for the both of us and he does look like a Korean. I looked at him suspiciously.
              “Who are you?” I asked him and he showed his face by taking the cap he was wearing on his head. I gasped in shock.
              “Sorry to startle you. I’m Kim Hyung Joong from SS5O1. Oh, you’re Jessica and Krystal right?” he asked us and I had to look toward Krystal who was staring at him.
              “Oh yea we’re. Sorry for being rude at that time.” I said to him as I bowed him 90 degrees. Krystal scoffed at me. We weren’t the best sisters.
              “You met my sister the famous ice princess.” Krystal said to him in a sarcastic voice which made me pissed.
              “That’s it. You asked for it.” I cried out and grabbed her ears. I looked at Kim Hyung Joong and excused us.
              “Please excuse us for a while, she needs something called behave. Let’s meet soon right?” I said to him and he chuckled as he nodded his head.
              “Yea sure. See ya Jessica and Krystal.” He said to us and ran towards his friends. I couldn’t help but look at him as he ran there.
              “Yah, unnie. Do you know this hurts?” my sister cried out in pain and I shushed her which made her pissed.
              “Shush, isn’t he amazing?” I asked her in a dreamy voice. She scoffed and snickered at me which made me hit her stomach. She cried out in pain. The first time we met, I knew it was love at first sight.
              I wiped my tears and hugged my chest with my arms. I felt so unsecure. Am I not that pretty at all? Why is Krystal had to be so lucky?
              That night I couldn’t sleep but think about them. I felt like dying every moment thinking about them hugging, kissing and making out. Why can’t I do the same? Aren’t I pretty?
              After a while I felt dead to the world. I was grabbed into the dream world by some kind of a spirit. It was a rainy night which made me feel cold as well.
(Next morning)
              I woke up with an aching head and an aching body. I felt so sick that I might faint at anytime. I didn’t want to do anything today.
              I stood up from the bed and walked outside to meet my other members as well. Wearing my robe I walked out to the kitchen where everyone was so happy chit chatting.
              “Morning unnie! I got breakfast for you.” I heard Sunny calling out for me excitingly as I entered the kitchen. I didn’t feel like eating so I passed. I walked towards the refrigerator and took some milk.
              “When are we having the Samsung Galaxy S3 CF shooting?” I asked as I helped myself with some milk. Yoona looked at me curiously.
              “I don’t know, but why do you ask unnie?” she asked me and I shrugged. Yoona gave me a mischievous smile and I looked at her confused.
              “What is it?” I asked her and she burst into giggles. I looked at everyone in surprise. They all had smiles on their faces which made me more confused. But not sunny, she handed me an invitation which made me gasped.
              “Krystal and Kim hyun Joong’s wedding?” I cried out at the moment I saw it. Yoona walked towards me and she kept on giggling like hell.
              “You didn’t tell us about this? We’re on our way to F(x) dorm. Wanna come?” they asked me and Sunny shook her head to say no.
              “Not right now. I need to do something’s. You guys go, I’ll be there soon.” I said to them and I heard nothing but ‘Yea, okay’. I looked at Sunny and she walked towards our room. I followed her there.
              “YAH! SHE IS MARRYING THE GUY YOU LOVE! UNNIE THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR! DON’T YOU LOVE HIM?” Sunny cried out into my ears as I walked into the room. I face palmed as I sat on the chair.
              “What can I do Sunny? I’m hopeless.” I said to her and she scoffed at me. I looked toward the window and tried not to cry.
              “AS IF! YAH UNNIE GO, GO AND TELL HIM THAT YOU LOVE HIM.” Sunny cried out at me. I couldn’t help but shout back at her.
              “SUNNY, IT’S NOT EASY. WE BOTH LOVE HIM. I CAN’T JUST STEAL HIM FROM HER, NOT ANYMORE! I HAD ENOUGH OF IT.” I cried out at her and she looked at me shocked. I couldn’t help it, I fell on to the floor and tears started to fell from my eyes.
              “Unnie, don’t cry. Stop crying please. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you like that.” She said to me and sat next to me on the floor. She hugged me and I couldn’t help but cry on her shoulder as she hugged me.
              “Unnie, let’s go and tell him the truth. That is the best way. Please?” she pleaded me and I couldn’t help but cry.
              “But Sunny, Krystal loves him too.” I said to her and she refused to listen to me. I was dragged to her car and we drove to SS5O1’s dorm to meet him.
(Kim Hyung Joong’s POV)
              “YAH KIM HYUNG JOONG, I HATE YOU.” I heard Jung Min shouting at me as I gave them my wedding invitation card.
              “Ah why? I didn’t do anything.” I said to them innocently and Hyung Jun looked at me with a concern look. I knew why he was like that.
              “Yah Hyung Joong let’s talk about something privately.” Hyung Jun said to me as he walked out of the dance studio. I followed him as I turn around to give one more look at my friends who was giving me good luck signs.
              We decided to be at the compound but somewhere free from the fans. I didn’t want to run into them again.
              “I think it’s time for you to know about Jessica-sshi.” Hyung Jun said to me as he gave me a hot cup of cappuccino. I took a sip and looked at him in surprise.
              “Jessica-sshi? What about her?” I asked him and he sighed in stress. He looked somewhere and I saw Sunny and Jessica coming together. Hyung Jun walked towards them and whispered something near Jessica’s ears. She nodded as she refused, but Hyung Jun gave his scary stare at her and she nodded her head.
              She walked towards me nervously and I saw Sunny and Hyung Jun walking away from us. I smiled as she walked towards me.
              “Hey Jessica, what’s up?” I asked her and she gave me a weak smile. Did she cry? I felt like she did and her eyes were red.
              “Hey Hyung Joong. How’s the wedding coming?” she asked me without facing me. I looked at her confusedly. Something is wrong and I know that.
              “It’s okay, we’re having it on this week Thursday, you’re coming right?” I asked her and she sniffled a little bit. I couldn’t help but worry about her.
              “Oh, this week you say? I’m so sorry. I don’t think I will be able to make it. I’m leaving to USA on this Thursday. I decided to take a break from everything for a while. Good luck with the wedding.” She said to me and started to walk away.
              I didn’t know what happened to me but I grabbed her hand as she started to walk. I was surprised to see myself holding her hands at that time.
              “Uhm, Jessica-sshi. Did something happen? Why are you leaving? Did someone say something at you?” I asked her and I heard the same sniffling weak chuckle she gave earlier.
              “Nothing happened! Everything is fine. Have a great life with Krystal.” She said to me and she didn’t face me even. I was surprised a lot.
              “Aren’t you gonna let me go?” she asked me again as I was wondering what happen to her. I gasped in shock and let her go.
              “Sorry, take care.” I said to her and started to sip some of the cappuccino. I saw her running all of a sudden. It was so not like her. She was the ice princess in SM entertainment. What happened to her?
              “What happened? Where is Jessica?” I heard Hyung Jun and Sunny shouting at me. I looked at them as they ran towards me.
              “Nothing happened; I don’t know where she is. She said goodbye and she left.” I said to them simply. They looked at each other and it made me feel awkward.
              “Did she say anything?” Sunny asked me and I nodded my head to say no. she sighed in stress and face palmed her.
              “What is going on? It’s making me uncomfortable. No wonder she is leaving.” I cried out as I saw them sitting there just thinking what to do next. Sunny gasped and looked at me as if I made a sin.
              “Hyung Jun-ah, tell me it’s not the truth. She is lying isn’t she?” I asked him and he sighed as usual. No it can’t be true.
              “I’m sorry to say this but she really did love you. More than anyone. Krystal isn’t the one for you I think Hyung Joong. I think its Jessica.” He said to me and I felt like fainting. I ran away from them to find Jessica.
              I should know the truth. Did she like me? I meant come one, I’m just another boy that any girl can get over. But she, she is the ice prince.
              I walked toward my car and started the car to find her. I needed to find her. But I don’t know her number even. What am I going to do? I was hopeless.
Hey Seohyun-ah, it’s me Kim Hyung Joong oppa. Can I’ve Jessica’s number? Please, please text me the number. ~Hyung Joong~
              I texted to Seohyun who was also a very close friend of mine from girls generation, I had no other choice but to do this.
Sure oppa, but one thing.  Her phone had been switched off. She went with Sunny unnie to somewhere. I don’t know where she is even. But why are you finding Jessica unnie? Did something happen with Krystal? ~Seohyun~
              She replied me back and felt more hopeless. I had no other choice except find her. And I don’t know where the hell she would be.
Nothing bad happen. Just wanted to talk to her. Let me know when she comes home okay? See ya Seohyun-ah. ~Hyung Joong oppa~
              I replied back and slipped into the car. Restarting the car I drove it to the busy Seoul as it will be. I needed to find her to talk about this.
              This time I’m gonna find her and I will find out the truth about this matter. But do I love her? I loved Krystal. I don’t know what’s happening to me.
(Krystal’s POV)
              I walked into the living room where everyone was busy preparing for the wedding preparation. I saw Victoria unnie with her boy friend Nickhun.
              “Yah, you’re getting married before me. I envy you dongsaeng.” Victoria unnie pouted and I chuckled at them. Nickhun oppa and Victoria unnie can get married if only JYP entertainment give them permission.
              “It’s not my fault that I’m getting married before you. It’s Nickhun oppa’s fault.” I said to them and Merong them which made them pout more.
              “You’re so right Krystal. Nickhun oppa is the problem here.” Amber agreed with me and I high fived her.
              “Yea yea just be you guys and don’t be such a lazy bum after marrying.” Victoria said to me and it made laugh at them with the others.
              “I also want to get married, why can’t I get married now?” Luna complained as she walked towards the kitchen. I smiled and it made me happy a little bit. But not for long, I heard doorbell ring which made me looked at them bewildered.
              “Someone go and get it please.” Luna cried out and I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door.
             “I’ll get it.” I cried out as I got closed to the door. I opened it and I saw Jessica unnie. She was there all wet, and it’s true, it rained a lot.
             “UNNIE!” I cried out as I saw her there. She looked at me and gave a weak smile. All of a sudden, she fainted and fell right onto the doorstep.
             “LUNA UNNIE PLEASE COME OVER HERE, WITH NICKHUN.” I cried out and tried my best to get her inside. But she was a little bit heavy.
             “OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPEN TO HER?” Luna cried out as she was in front of the door. I saw Nickhun there and he walked towards me.
             “Nickhun oppa, help me to get her inside please.” I said to him and he nodded his head unconsciously.
             “I don’t know what happen. She just came over and fainted right in front of me.” I said to Luna unnie and others and it made everyone worry.
Krystal, do you know where Jessica is? ~Hyung Joong oppa~
             I got a text from Hyung Joong oppa and it surprised me. He was finding Jessica unnie. I didn’t know what to say.
Yea, she is with me oppa. ~Krystal~
             I replied to his text and I didn’t get any texts anymore which made me surprise. Something was gonna happen and it’s bad.
(Kim Hyung Joong’s POV)
Yea, she is with me oppa. ~Krystal~
             After getting the reply to my text I drove my car to F(x) dorm as fast as I can. I needed to see Jessica.
             I slipped off from the car as I parked it in the F(x) parking lot, and ran towards the F(x) dorm. I rang the bell and it was opened by Krystal which made me surprise.
             “Where is Jessica?” I asked her and she didn’t reply to me. She walked out of the dorm right into the doorstep which made me more surprise.
             “Oppa let’s talk for a while.” She said to me and walked towards the parking lot which made me follow her automatically.
             “What is it Krystal?” I asked her and she looked worried and sad. What happen? Why was she sad? Did something bad happen to Jessica?
             “Oppa, the truth is I never loved you first. Unnie loved you more than I did. She was pissed when you told her that I was prettier than her and she got mad at me. When she knew that we were getting married she knew that I was taking revenge on her. When we were small, back then I had a boy that I liked in California and that boy liked Jessica. She dated him and he asked her out. I was mad at her and decided to take revenge on her. If I just can make everything right I would.” She said to me the whole story and I didn’t know what to say.
             “Krystal-ah.” I whispered her name and I saw her crying. She fell down to her kneels. So she played with me to get revenge from Jessica.
             “Oppa, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” she whispered as she cried. I looked at her unconsciously and felled down onto my knees as well. I hugged her and tried to comfort her.
             “Let’s go inside and talk to Jessica about this at least.” I said to her and she nodded her head nervously.
             “Hey Nickhun, is she awake?” I asked as he opened the door. I had my jacket on Krystal’s shoulder and Nickhun grinned at me.
             “Jess is awake and she is drinking some tea with Victoria.” He said as he led us inside. I gave them a smile just to let them know everything is okay.
             “Vic please leave us alone for a while.” I said as I entered the kitchen. Vic and Jess looked at us surprised and shocked.
             “Uhm okay, I’ll be back in a while okay.” She said to Jess and Jess smiled at her. What I know is she is not completely fine. She can never be healed.
             “What do you wanna talk about Krystal?” she asked as she sat next to her. Krystal burst into tears and it surprised Jess more.
             “Unnie, I’m sorry. I was a bitch, I wanted to take revenge from you because Ken asked you out while we were studying in California. Unnie I’m so sorry. We decided to call of the marriage as well. I know you love him a lot. Unnie you do right?” she went straight to the point which made her shock.
             “Krystal, why did you call of the marriage? You can’t do that. If you want me to be happy, be with him. Please make him smile for me again, the way you did before. He loves you a lot.” Jess replied to Krystal and smiled at me.
             “B…B…But Jess she doesn’t love me. So what can we do?” I cried out and she shushed me. Jess comforted me by giving me a hug and looked at me.
             “Hyung Joong oppa, I know you better than anyone. Also I know my own sister better than you. She does love you more than Me.” she said to me as she gave a teary wink which made me smile.
             “Really?” I asked her and she nodded her head and brought me close to Krystal. I couldn’t help but hug her, and which made me happy was she hugged me back.
             Jessica walked away from us and I made her stop by grabbing her hand. I looked at her and mouth ‘thank you’. She smiled and nodded her head.
(At the wedding day)
(Jessica’s POV)
             “Unnie, I’m going to get late.” Krystal screamed as we walked into the car. I flinched at her screaming. She is always screaming and squealing, which always makes me annoy.
             “Yah, if you squeal or scream one more time, you’re wedding will be more like a funeral.” I cried out at her and she looked at me scared. I grinned at her and she grinned at me back.
             “Do you think we’ll be there on time?” she asked me and I gave her a thumbs up as we were close to the place.
             “We’re here!” I announced as I helped her get out of the car. I waited near the door as she got inside by the help of Luna and the other F(x) members.
             “Unnie.” She turns around and called out for me. I gave her thumbs up and walked away from the ceremony.
             The truth is I still love him and it hurts when he is marrying my sister. I walked away and hid behind the curtains of the makeup room. I smiled through the tears as I walked out from that building.
             “Hey, there you’re. Aren’t you coming in?” I heard Kim Hyung Joong oppa seeing me. It made me Surprise and happy. Also at the same time a little bit sad.
             “Oh hey Hyung Joong oppa, yea well I can’t. Because I have a flight to catch up, so see ya and congratulations.” I said to him and turn around to my tears from him.
             “You, Jess you still love me don’t you. Why did you do that then?” he asked me and it made me speechless.
             “I want my sister to be happy. I did date Ken because I wanted to make my sister sad. We were spoiled little brats at that time I guess. But now I want her to be happy, when she can. Bye I should be leaving.” I said to him with a little chuckle and walked away from him.
             It’s true, I still love him. Because of him I don’t think I can ever fall in love with someone again. I love him a lot. He was the first person who made me this crazier. I love you Kim Hyung Joong oppa.
(Kim Hyung Joong’s POV)
             I watched her walk away. I just hope nothing bad will happen to her. I feel like she is the prettiest one now. Noona was right; a person can also be pretty inside but not outside. And she is one of a kind who is pretty inside even thought she isn’t pretty outside.
             “What’re you doing here oppa? Let’s get inside.” Krystal cried out and it made me run towards Krystal, but I turn around once and looked at Jessica walking away.
             ‘Jess, be safe and take very good care. I hope you’ll find love like we did.’ I thought as I smiled at her. I just hope that she won’t do anything stupid.
             “Yea, let’s get going.” I said to her and walked into the wedding hall. I smiled and looked around. But I wanted one person here with me. Jessica, I think I fell for you. Thank you, but you’re pretty too.



  1. I don't know if I should be happy or sad in the ending, its kinda confusing. :\ WHY A SAD ENDING DONSAENGIEE!! *sobb*

  2. You have to be happy for krystal and sad for jessica
