Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our Classic love

You and my classic love
(Woo young’s POV)
              I walked out from my car and walked towards my best friend Taecyeon car. I smiled at him and grabbed the ball I had in my car and passed at him.
              “If I win, you’re coming with me to Chansung and Suzy’s engagement party. JYP won’t be happy.” Taecyeon said to me and I smiled at him. “We’ll see who wins right?” I replied to him and grabbed the ball from him.
              In the end he won and I had no other choice but to go. He smiled and gave me a brotherly hug. He took the invitation from his jacket pocket and passed it to me. Also he gave me a present
              “So you’ve no other choice right? You’ve to come Woo young.” He said to me and I nodded my head. “Do I really have a choice dude? What’s this by the way?” I asked him and he smiled.
              “Check it for yourself.” He said to me and I took out a Reebok jacket from the box and I smiled at him. “It’s a present from Chansung.” He said to me and walked towards his
              “Come soon. Chansung is dying to meet you.” Taecyeon cried out before leaving me in the basement of the JYP building. I nodded my head and scoffed as I walked towards the car.
              “Nice catch.” I said to the butler as I threw the car keys at him. He smiled and I walked into the apartment. ‘Why do I feel like I’m missing something?’ I thought as I grabbed the present that was given by Chansung. I grabbed a shirt to wear and worn the jacket given by Chansung.
              “Tonight some things are gonna change.” I said to myself as I walked out of the apartment. “Chauffer, my keys please, I’ll be driving oh and don’t call me if I get late okay?” I said to the chauffer as I grabbed the keys from him. “Yes master.” He replied to me and I smiled at him.
              I walked into the party wearing the mask that we had to wear. I smiled to the pretty ladies. I saw our director JYP and Chansung with Suzy. I didn’t bother to see them and walked towards Taecyeon where he was standing behind the music spinning table. I smiled at Suzy and she also smiled at me.
              “Being a DJ dude?” I asked him and he shrugged. “Yo, go towards Chansung and talk to him a little bit,” he pushed me towards them and I saw Suzy leaving him as someone bumped into her and drink was all over her.
              “Chansung ah, thanks for the jacket.” I walked towards him and gave him a brotherly hug. “Yo, long time without seeing. No problem dude.” He said to me and I smiled at him as I walked away from JYP and Chansung.
              ‘Finally, Suzy is gonna get married. Why can’t I just forget her?’ I thought as I walked towards a fish tank which was situated away from the dance floor. I kept on walking around it and grabbed a red colored fabric from the table.
               ‘A handkerchief! Time to impress her I guess.’ I thought as I kept on waiting for her.
(Suzy’s POV)
               I walked into the changing room after getting wet because of the drink. I hate engagements and I don’t love Chansung. What choice do I’ve?
               Grabbing a Reebok t-shirt from the closet, I walked out from the changing room after wearing it. I was tired and wanted to get away from here. I walked into the party and tried to get along with the people.
               I walked towards the fish tank where I saw Woo young. I kept on staring at the fishes and all of a sudden he made some magic tricks with the handkerchief he had. He pulled out a rose from the handkerchief and it surprised.
               He walked closer to me and gave me the rose. “Congrats for getting engaged with our leader.” He said to me and I know that he was sad. “Thanks, but I want to meet you.” I said to him.
               “You sure, because I’ve something for you.” He said to me and walked away. I looked at him leave. Why was he like that? Does he like me? I woke up late and looked at the clock where it was ticking. It was almost 10, and Woo young asked me to meet him from the JYP building’s terrace. I’m gonna be late.
               I threw the blanket away and ran towards the toilet with my towel. “Yah, you didn’t wake me up and you got ready. Where are you going Suzy?” Fei cried out and I grabbed my jacket and worn a dress leaving my brown hair.
               “I’ll be back soon. We don’t have a schedule today so we don’t have to worry right. Cover me for today please?” I begged her and she looked confused. “Okay, but tell me when you’re done with whatever you’re doing because I need to go shopping.” She whined like a little girl and I smiled.
               “Promise. I’ll be here soon. Bye.” I said to her and grabbed my phone and ran towards the JYP building hoping that he wasn’t there yet.
               “Whoa, I’m not even late.” I said and smiled to myself like a fool. “Nop, you’re wrong. You’re late.” I heard a voice and it made me turn around to see who it was.
               No other but Woo young was there giving my favorite gentle-man smile. “Am i? I thought I wasn’t late.” I said to him stubbornly and it made him chuckle.
               “Don’t be so stubborn. Oh right your present. Here!” he said to me as he took a box which was wrapped in red paper. I looked at it curiously. “What’s this?” I asked him as I took the present from him.
               “Don’t you know, you shouldn’t ask me like that. You should say thank you.” He said to me as he leaned on the wall. “Waa, this is so beautiful.” I cried out as I took the earrings from the box. It suited me a lot.
               “Thank you Woo young.” I said to him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. “Do you love me? Do you love him?” he asked me and I didn’t know what to say. I hugged him to hide my face from him. I didn’t want to show him me being sad at all.
               “I don’t love him, but it’s for the director. It’s because I love you.” I whispered to him and pulled away from me and kept on jumping up and down like a little boy who had gotten a candy.
               “I knew it. I knew you don’t love him. And I knew you love me a lot.” He said to me as he hugged me. I hugged him back and I didn’t know what to say.
(Taecyeon‘s POV)
               “Did you call for me Director JYP?” I walked into the director’s office. From his face, I can guarantee that something bad had happened.
               “Yes, I did call for you. It’s to give you this.” He said to me and gave me an envelope. “What’s this?” I asked him and he loudly sighed. “See for yourself and go make everything back to normal before the reporters know about this.” He said to me.
                I looked inside and to my surprise it was some pictures, and it wasn’t just anyone’s pictures. It was Suzy and woo young together having fun. ‘That bustard is no good for anything.’ I thought madly as I walked out of the room.
               “What happened?” Nickhun asked me as I walked into the dancing studio. “Where is Woo young?” I asked him quietly and he stuttered. “Where is he? That’s what I’m asking.” I cried out and Woo young came into the room.
               “Woo young, come and have a talk with me in the terrace. And none of you, I meant none of you should be following us.” I cried out at them and walked past him.
               I walked into the terrace and pushed him towards the railing madly. I didn’t know what I was doing. “Yah, Taecyeon get into your senses and talk to me.” Woo young cried out at me and I glared at him.
               “I thought you changed dude. But nothing had changed except your appearance. Look at this for yourself.” I cried out and threw the pictures at him and left him there. I don’t want to hear any of his explanation anymore.
(Woo young’s POV)
               I took the pictures which was on the ground and kept on finding what happened. ‘Aren’t these the day where Suzy and I were having fun?’ I thought as I kept on seeing the pictures one by one.
               “He is mistaken. I should go and tell him the truth before he does something stupid.” I mumbled to myself and walked towards the lift and walked into the dancing studio.
               “How did it go?” Junsu asked me and I looked at him suspiciously as I saw Chansung with him. Junsu had a bruise on his face and I looked at him more suspiciously. Did they have a fight?
               “What happened to your face makes me more curious?” I said to him as I grabbed my bag. “Are you leaving?” Chansung asked me. I frowned and walked towards Junho. “Come out with me for a while.” I said to him without replying to Chansung.
               “Yah, I was speaking to you Woo young.” He cried out as Junho and I walked out of the studio. I didn’t bother to listen to him as I knew it was one of his plans.
               “Don’t lie and tell me the truth. What happened to Junsu’s face?” I asked him as we walked into the lift. He stuttered and I raised my voice again. “What happened to his face?” I asked him once more while I raised my voice.
               “Alright, I’ll tell you. Chansung thought that there was something between you and Suzy and he didn’t like it. So he asked Junsu and I to spy on you and Suzy.” He blurted out and I knew who was in the end.
               ‘Bingo’ I thought as I dragged him into Taecyeon room. “Want to know the truth? He will tell you the truth.” I said to him and Taecyeon looked at me surprised.
               “What do you mean?” he asked me and I looked at Junho for an explanation. “Yo, Taecyeon he didn’t do anything. It was Chansung. And he is gonna marry the innocent Suzy because he want to get famous then you all.” Junho spilled and Taecyeon looked at me more shocked.
               “Wait so you’re telling me that this Chansung’s plan? So that when Suzy and woo young get framed he will be kicked out of the company, is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Taecyeon asked me and I shrugged at him. “I’m afraid it’s the truth. Tae, you need to help me.” I looked at him helplessly.
               “I guess I can help you with It.” he gave me a smile and stood up to grab one of his shoes. “Listen to me carefully. We’re gonna get you’re Suzy out of the company on the wedding and don’t worry. No reporters are gonna be there.” he said to me and I high fived him.
 (Suzy’s POV)
               I was sitting and waiting for my wedding to start. I don’t want this to happen even. I felt like crying when all of a sudden Taecyeon walked into the room with a pair of Reebok shoes.
               “I’m not gonna say anything. Just wear it and wait for Woo young. I’ll take care of the guards and everyone.” Taecyeon said to me and I looked at him with my teary eyes.
               “Thanks Tae, I owe you one.” I said to him and he smiled at me. “No you don’t. Just be happy with him. That’s what you need to do. Here, wipe your tears.” He said to me and lends me a tissue. I smiled and wiped the tears and some of the mascara as well.
               “You ready?” I heard a voice and I looked at the doorway. It was Woo young and the person I wanted to meet. “Of course I’m.” I said to him and he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the wedding room and out of the building.
               We kept on running away from the guards when all of a sudden I heard some beating. I stopped half way and turned to see who it is.
               “Get out of here. I’ll take care of them.” Tae cried out and I smiled at him with excitement. I walked away until we got into the meadow and towards a bus-stop.
               “Are you tired?” woo young asked me and I smiled at him. “Not even a little bit.” I said to him and he grinned at me. He kept on staring at me and his gaze fell onto my lips. ‘Is he gonna kiss me?’ I thought ridiculously.
               I thought he wasn’t gonna kiss me but in the end he took over the in charge of my lips and I felt like I was gonna lose my consciousness.
               “Never leave me, I love you.” He said to me and put his head on my shoulder. I smiled and put my head on his head and kept on thinking if we will be okay.
               “Promise, I’m never gonna leave you.” I whispered to him and we both fell asleep.
(No one’s POV)
               Back in the wedding hall was nothing but a chaos. “Where is she Manager Kim?” JYP cried out and Chansung felt impatient.
               “I don’t know, she was in the waiting room a while ago.” Manager Kim replied to him and he got madder. “Search for them and search for them until you find them.” JYP cried out to the guards.
               “No, don’t. I know who it is and I’m done with Suzy. I don’t want to marry her; it is because I don’t love her.” Chansung said to JYP calmly and the guards stopped on the tracks.
               “Thank god that we didn’t have the wedding publicly right Director JYP?” Chansung asked JYP and walked out of the wedding room and met Taecyeon.
               “Chansung… i…” Taecyeon started to talk but Chansung stopped him by giving him a brotherly hug. “Thanks bro. for stopping my wedding.” He said to Taecyeon and Taecyeon was surprised.
                “Why? Shouldn’t you be mad at me?” Taecyeon asked him and it made Chansung laugh. “No I can’t be mad at you. I’m happy because I don’t love Suzy. Suzy also doesn’t love me. I wanted to do this to make our fans happy.” He replied to me and my jaw dropped.
               “Bye, take care because I’m taking a holiday for a while.” He said to me and left me there dumbfounded. “Chansung, Chansung Yah, I’m calling you.” Director JYP called for him and he doesn’t bother to look at him.
               “Director JYP, let him go. He deserves something called freedom, Holiday and break.” Taecyeon said to him and walked away and smiled to himself.
               ‘Woo young wasn’t the only one who loved Suzy. I also did, but I didn’t tell her.’ Taecyeon thought happily and drove his motor cycle and didn’t know where he wanted to go. But he knew that wherever Suzy is, his heart will be with her.