Friday, March 8, 2013

Last Kiss

(Hye Mi’s POV)
               I looked worriedly at the lifeless Minho, who was in a coma for more than 2 weeks. I was in the room with the SHINee members. We all were worried about him. It all happened because of me. I looked at Key oppa who was sitting on the couch.
               “How many days is it going to take?” key oppa asked the doctor as he walked into the room. The doctor sighed and looked at Minho.
               “It depends. It can take 2 weeks, months or years even.” he replied to him and Key sighed in stress. I couldn’t help, I gasped in fear and sniffled a little bit. Taemin passed me a tissue to clear the tears in my eyes.
               Jonghyun oppa came towards me and sat next to me. He took my hand and holds it tightly and patted my back.
               “Oppa.” I mumbled to myself as I looked towards Minho. I won’t give up on him, it will never happen. I will be with him till the end.
               Sunny and Jessica unnie walked into the room and saw Minho there. Sunny walked towards me and I automatically stood up and hugged her. She hugged me back to comfort me.
               “Let’s go out for a while, we can eat and then come back. You haven’t eaten anything for a long time honey. Let’s go eat something and come okay?” Sunny unnie asked me and I looked towards Jonghyun oppa.
               “Go, eat and come. Right now isn’t the time for you to get sick as well. Go.” He said to me as he walked towards me and gave a little push towards the door. I was a little sad to go but they were right. I should eat at a time like this.
               We went to a nearby restaurant and I asked Sunny unnie that I wanted a coffee and nothing else then that.
               “Yah, Hye Mi-ah, you’re getting thin day by day. Eat something please.” Jessica cried out at me. I looked away from her and she was sad to see me like this.
               “Hye Mi-ah, what happened actually?” Sunny asked me and I kept staring at her. I felt like the whole past was again reminded in front of me.

               “Hye Mi-ah I’m sorry. We can’t go on this way. How can we always hide and sneak here and there. No way. I can’t do this. Let’s break up.” I heard Minho saying it to me. I looked up from the menu I was reading and stared at him.
               “What? Break up? Oppa, you just announced your relationship and you’re breaking up with me? What did I do oppa? I want you.” I said to him quietly. He frowned at me and stood up from his seat.
               “Let’s stop seeing each other from today onwards. I can just take back the statement about our relation. We can’t just sneak here and there always. I’m sorry Hye Mi-ah.” He said to me and left me there in the restaurant.
               I waited for the tears to come, and it did. I wiped away the tears and walked out of the restaurant into the streets. The streets of Seoul were always busy as usual. It was around 5 pm in the evening.
               I didn’t look for the traffic lights when I walked to the other side of the road. That’s when I screamed when I saw the car coming towards me. I screamed but I was saved by someone. He threw me aside and let him be in danger.
               After the accident I stood up from my place and I saw a commotion near the accident site. I walked towards there, and I was trembling with fear. There I saw, lifeless body of Minho oppa.
               “OPPA!” I screamed and ran towards him. Blood oozed from his body non-stop. I was shocked. I didn’t know what to do.
               “Yah, call for the ambulance quickly.” I cried out to a person who was there staring at me. I kept his head on my lap and I cried out for him. He endangered his life for me even. Why did he do that?
               The ambulance came in like 15 minutes later. They carried him and took him into the emergency room. His condition was very complicated at that time.
               “We need to make a quick surgery of him! Please fill the form as a guardian.” The doctor asked me as he handed me a form. I took the form and filled it.
               I took my phone and called to the SHINee members and told them where Minho oppa was. They were shocked and told me that they’ll come soon.
               “Hye Mi-ah.” I heard someone calling out to me. I turned around and saw SHINee oppa’s. I ran towards them and Jonghyun oppa hugged me to comfort me. I couldn’t help but tried my best not to cry.
               “What’s wrong doctor?” Key oppa walked towards the doctor and asked him. He looked disappointed about something. I got worried and I saw Key oppa regretting something’s.
               “Hye Mi-ah, Minho is in a coma.” Key oppa said to me in shock. I couldn’t help but cry harder. I hit his chest and he hugged me to stop me hitting him.
               “You’re lying. He is fine. You’re just lying.” I cried out at him and fell down onto my knees. It’s my fault. I should have just left him quietly.

“That’s what had happened. He saved me from that car. I should have been in coma, not him.” I said as I let the tears fell onto my cheeks.
               “Don’t cry, Minho really did love you. Just be with him till the end. Be on his side forever.” Sunny said to me as she patted my back. I nodded my head and smiled a little bit.
                All of a sudden Sunny unnie’s phone started to ring. I looked at the window and she smiled at me and excused her.
               “So, Hye Mi-ah are you gonna leave Minho when he gets better?” Jessica unnie asked me and I gave a weak smile.
               “I will be with him forever, but in my heart I guess. He don’t want me anymore.” I said to her and she looked at me with a sympathetic smile.
               “Guys, guess what? Minho oppa has woken up from the coma.” Sunny ran to us and exclaimed with happiness. I got a shock and I looked at Jessica and she smiled at me. We ran to the hospital and ran towards the room where he was admitted.
               “You guys go in! I don’t think I should go.” I said to them quietly. They looked at each other and grabbed my hand.
               “You’re gonna come with us.” Sunny unnie said to me and dragged me inside. I saw Minho looking at us and I tried my best not to make eye-contact.
               “Oppa, you woke up. How are you feeling?” Sunny dragged me near Minho and I couldn’t help but fight the tears that was gonna spill in any minute. Minho looked at her and smiled.
               “I’m feeling better, but can you all give me some time with Hye Mi-ah?” Minho asked quietly which made me look at him. Sunny looked at me and gave a smile. I smiled at her back and sat next to Minho on the bed.
               “Hye Mi-ah, I’m sorry for making you worry.” Minho said to me as he held my hand. I looked at the floor not wanting to look at him. I thought if I look at him I might cry so I decided not to look at him.
               “Hye Mi-ah, aren’t you gonna look at me? I had no other choice but to break up with you. Please forgive me and move on. I’m not the right guy for you. That’s why I’m asking you please do it for Me.” he said to me and I fighted back my tears.
               “It’s okay, just be happy. That’s what I want. Remember I’ll always be there for you. Always.” I said to him after gulping some air. He looked at me surprised and I gave him a smile through my tears.
               “Goodbye Minho oppa, I can never forget you. I love you.” I said to him and he grabbed my hand as I stood up to leave.
               He grabbed me close to him and gave me our last kiss passionately. I tried my best not to cry and walked away after the kiss.

(1 year later)
               “SHINee’s charismatic member Minho has decided to be on a short break and the SHINee members left to Japan without our charismatic member. What is going on with our Charismatic member? Is he gonna give up on his career?” I heard the announcer of KBS channel announcing. I smiled a little bit.
               “Oppa, why did you do that? Go on with your career. I will always love you” I mumbled to myself and wiped my tears. All of a sudden I heard the doorbell ring which made me stood up. I walked toward the door and opened it without knowing who was there.
               “Do you always open your door like that still?” I heard a familiar voice which made me stumble back in surprise. That guy had his jacket hood on his head. I looked at him in surprise.
               “Who is it?” I asked him quietly and Minho only knows about it. He chuckled at me and took the hood from his face. I gasped in surprise.
               “Aren’t you gonna let me in after knowing who I’m?” he asked me and I looked at him in surprise. I lead him inside and he hugged me behind as I was in front of him. I gave a surprised squeal.
               “Oppa!” I whispered. He hugged me like he will never get to hug me again. I felt like crying. I just heard about his news and now this?
               “Shh, don’t talk. I want to stay like this forever. I love you Hye Mi-ah, now I know how much I love you.” He said to me and I kept quiet.
               He turn me around to face him and kissed me passionately. I couldn’t help it. I thought the last kiss will be after out break up. But I’m always gonna have a kiss. Every day, I hope.
               “Oppa, I love you too.” I said to him and hugged him back.


  1. It is my first one shot fanfic...
    So i dont think it's that interesting.. hehe
