Friday, March 8, 2013

Secret love

(Its a secret)
*Zoe's POV*

                   "Zoe!" i turned around to see who it was as i walked out of the collage campus. "Oh Taemin ah, whats wrong?" i smiled as i saw him. He stopped infront of me and brushed his hand behind his neck nervously.
                   "I uh, uhm can we, will you, i meant, aish!" he started to stutter and it made me chuckle. "do you need some help?" i asked him. "yes, are you free tonight?" he blurted out and my eyes got widen
"urgh sure why not?" i said to him and he relaxed. "great meet me at 8 at the backyard of the collage. There will be an dea house. Meet me there." he said to me and waved me goodbye
                   "what did just happen?" i asked myself and chuckled. 'aish maybe he wants to confess. No zoe get real, he doesn't love you even. He just consider me as a friend.' i thought to myself and kept on scolding at my stupidness. I walked into the beautiful city of Tokyo smiling to myself
                   I walked towards the bus-stop and sat on the bench. I looked around and spotted a couple together. I sighed to myself. "i want to confess him but i am too scared" i mumbled to myself
"i got you now, yuki" someone cried out behind my ears and hugged me. I let out a shriek and struggled to get out from the strong embrace. I stood up as he let go of me and i saw a familiar confused face.
                   "Zoe?" "Yunho?" we both whispered our names awkwardly. "oppa" i heard another voice and she ran to him giggling. "you couldn't find me even. Oh don't tell me? You saw her and thought it was me?" the girl said as she looked at me.
                   "who is she?" i mumbled to myself. "uhm i am sorry miss. Lets go oppa." she said to me and grabbed Yunho's hand. Yunho gave me one last look before leaving.
'Yunho ah do you hate me that much?' i thought to myself sadly as i walked towards the bus
                   'I am sorry Yunho oppa, i made you like this.' i thought to myself as i looked them walking away.

*Taemin's POV*
                   "Key hyung put these candles at the entrance okay?" i said to him as i passed him some candles. He walked towards Jonghyun hyung and started to work.
                   "Yah Onew hyung, since when did i say i'll help him?" Jonghyun Hyung started to whine and it made me laugh. "since you owe a favor to me hyung!" i sang out and i saw Jonghyun hyung scowled at me. "true, so true Jonghyun ah." Onew hyung replied with a chuckle.
                   "Aish, fine. I owe you one, happy taeminnie?" Jonghyun hyung said to me with a pout. I nodded my head hiding a smile but inside i was ready to burst out laughing
                   "Taeminnie, wanna go out and eat something?" key hyung asked me. "no thanks, hyung. Not hungry. Enjoy meal okay?" i replied to him without turning around to face him. I heard an okay from him.
                   "Perfect! Now i hope i can confess" i said to myself as i looked around. It was almost night time. I was waiting for the perfect time, when someone ran into the room i was standing. "oof!" she bumped into me and fell onto the fell
                   "are you alright?" i asked her as i offered her to help. She was already crying and it can be seen from her red bloppy eyes. "hey you alright?" i asked her as i kneeled in front of her. She looked away from me and tears started to form in her eyes
                   "sorry to disturb. I'll take my leave." she whispered and it made me widen my eyes. 'who is she?' i thought. She stood up without the help of me and walked out of the room. I wanted to run out and ask her to wait but i knew i needed to get ready soon enough.
                   "who was she?" i murmered to myself and sat on a couch in the room and closed my eyes. "is anybody here?" i heard a manly voice inside the room. I opened my eyes and stood up from the couch.
                   "Yunho hyung?" i cried out as he approached into the room. "whoa, whats all these?" he asked me teasingly. I shrugged and offered him to sit. "so who is the lucky girl?" he asked me and i smiled. "she is a half japanease half american. Her name is Zoe. She is amazing hyung. Just the type of guy i would like to be with." i said to him and i saw his smile fading slowly.
                   "oh congrats taeminnie, our taeminnie had been stolen by someone right?" Yunho hyung teased me and it made me laugh. "not just any someone. Just that special girl i waited for a while." i replied to him dreamly. "eii get a room would you?" he said to me with a groan
                   "whatever happens, i will confess her" i said to him and he smiled to me. "goodluck! FIGHTING OKAY?" Yunho hyung cried out before leaving the room. I nodded my head. "time for action" i mumbled to myself as i took my phone from my pocket.

~meet me around 7. Change of time. See ya at 7.~ *taeminnie*

                   I kept the phone on the table and sat at the couch. I am waiting for you, only you.

*Zoe's POV*

~meet me around 7. Change of time. See ya at 7.~ *taeminnie

                   I recieved the text from taemin while i was eating with my family. I gasped and everyone looked at me. "what is it zoe?" mom asked me as i stood up. "i need to go out, for a while." i said to them and everyone was shocked. "but where dear?" mom asked me as she walked me towards the doorstep.
                   "it won't take that long mom, i promise. Eat okay?" i said to her and kissed her cheeks before leaving. I ran towards the main road and took a taxi to the collage campus.

                   I walked out of the car and ran into the backyard of the collage campus. 'where is everyone?' i wondered as i walked into the backyard. There were candles and i saw some people having fun. "hey zoe you need to have a candle. What would be the color?" baekhyun asked me and i looked at him shocked.
                   "uhm red?" i said to him unsurely and he grinned at me. "here you go. Go into the house. No one is in there except taemin. Goodluck" he said to me as he passed the red candle into my hand. "sure thanks." i said to him as i walked into the house
                   "taeminnie?" i cried out into the empty house and i felt someone's breath on my neck. "missed me?" he asked me. "taemin." i whispered and turn around to hug him. (A/N: i know wierd right? Lolx)
                   "were you scared?" he asked me as i pulled away from his embrace. I nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and walked me towards the staircase. He leaded me to a big balcony.
                   "stay here, i will be back with a candle." he said to me and i nodded my head. After a few minutes he came back with a white candle in his hand. He let the flame on my candle and smiled at me.
                   "do you know what red means?" he asked me. I shook my head. "it means 'love' white means 'unite' so together it means 'love will unite' now you know, right?" he asked me and god i was blushing furiously.
                   "zoe" "taemin" we both spoke at the same time and it made both of us laugh. "ladies first?" he suggested and i shook my head. "why don't you tell me?" i replied to him and he nodded.
Out of the blue he kneeled in front of me with the candle in his hand.
                   "Zoe, would you accept me as your stupid boyfriend?" he blurted out and it made me blush. I stared at him and then smiled. "i uh i uh i do." i said to him and he grabbed me into his arms. He hugged me and it made me smile. "i love you zoe." he whispered near my ears and it made me smile
                   "i uh i love you too." i whispered nead his ears too. "whoa thats too romantic, taemin is finally a man, so cute." we heard alot of people whispering and i tried to break away from his embrace
He made me stop.
\                   "let them talk about us. They'll leave in a while. Let's stay like this for a while." he said to me quietly and it made me smile. I hugged him tightly. "of course you're right. Love you so much taemin" i replied to him..

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