Friday, March 8, 2013

Too Late (One shot)

I don’t need you anymore.

(Kang Hyo Mi’s POV)
              I was so lost in my dancing. Dancing was my favorite thing to do always. It was more like a hobby but now it changed into my career.
              “Hyo Mi ah, I need to speak to you for a while.” Manager Park came into the dancing studio without me realizing, maybe I was focusing on my steps too much.
              “What is it Manager Park?” I asked him as I grabbed my towel. I sat on the bench which was in the studio. He still was standing and smiling at me. He grabbed his iPad which made me more surprised.
              “Hyo Mi ah you’re having a photo shoot at 2pm today and CF shooting at 5pm. So you’ve a busy schedule today.” He said to me and I rolled my eyes.
              “Manager Park, I always have it, so why are you so excited then?” I asked him as I looked at him suspiciously.
              “It is because you’re having it with the SHINee members.” He said to me and I gasped in surprise. I will be meeting Jonghyun, no this is not good.
              “Manager Park, cancel it. I can’t do it.” I cried out at him and he looked at me suspiciously. It was his turn to be suspicious. I gave him a weak smile.
              “What do you mean?” he asked me and I gave him a weak chuckle. If I don’t do it, I might be in trouble. I should just do it I think.
              “Fine, I will do it. I’ll go get freshen up. I’ll be ready at 1pm. Come and get me at that time.” I said to him and walked out of the studio, grabbing my bag and towel.
              ‘If I meet him, what am I gonna do?’ I thought and I bumped into someone. I fell my butt onto the ground.
              “Hey you okay Hyo Mi?” Someone asked me and I looked up to see who it was. It was Jinyoung oppa. I smiled at him as he helped me to stand up.
              “Thanks, yea I’m fine. Just distracted I guess.” I said to him and he chuckled at me. Yea it wasn’t my thing to be distracted always.
              “That is so not your style Hyo Mi, what’s up?” he asked me as he followed me to the elevator. I smiled and pressed on the ‘G’ button.
              “Well, something’s up. And it is something that I hoped it won’t happen in my life. But it is happening today.” I said to him with a sigh. He looked at me and gave a sympathetic smile.
              “Hey let me tell you something. Nothing bad is gonna happen today. I promise you that. Let’s bet okay?” he said to me and I smiled at him. He took something from his wrist which was more like a band. He slipped it into my hand and looked at me.
              “Now, I promise you and I bet nothing bad is gonna happen today. See ya later Hyo Mi ah.” He said to me as he left the elevator. I was the only one in the elevator and I waved him goodbye and gave a long sigh.
              I walked into my dorm after having a talk with Jiyoung. He can make me smile and forget about anything I need to.

(Jonghyun’s POV)
              “Listen up guys. We’re having a busy schedule today, just be ready at that time.” Manager Shin cried out as we sat on the floor after a long practice.
              “Manager Shin, what is it?” Key asked as I sat on the floor. He smiled towards me and I gave a look saying ‘What did I do?’
              “We’re having a photo shoot at 2pm and at 5pm you’ve a CF shooting. It’s from etude company. Have fun like you did with Dara.” Manager Shin said to us with his wiggling eyebrows at Minho. Minho loves Dara and everyone knows that.
              “Yah, don’t look at me like that. I didn’t do anything.” He said to everyone and we all chuckled. Who can it be?
              “Manager Shin, who is it this time?” I asked him and he looked at everyone. Everyone was dying to know who it was. He took his iPad and did something.
              “Ta-Da, its Hyo Mi from YG entertainment.” He cried out as he showed us a picture of Hyo Mi and my eyes widen. I stood up and shook my head.
              “No I can’t do it.” I cried out at the members. They looked at me. Only Key and Minho knows about me life. They shook their head in stress.
              “Jongy, just don’t worry. We’ll go, take the pictures and come right. Then we have to do the CF only. Relax would you?” Key said to me as he relaxed. I looked at them and then at Manager Shin. He smiled at me.
              “Fine, I’ll do it.” I said to them and Taemin squealed like a little girl. It made everyone laugh but not me. How can I face her? I was nothing to her; I broke her heart and trust even.
              I walked out of the studio and met Soo young my girl friend. She ran towards me with open arms to hug me. I smiled at her and hugged her back.
              “Oppa, aren’t you tired? Did you had a rough day?” she asked me and I smiled at her. I kissed her on the cheeks and.
              “Why would I have a rough day when I can see my princess every day?  I had a great day, but I’m a little tired. I need to refresh and go to a photo shoot plus I have a CF shooting today.” I said to her and she gasped in horror.
              “Really? Oppa is gonna be so busy and I don’t want oppa to fall sick.” She said to me and I smiled at her. I kissed her cheeks and waved goodbye.
              ‘I love her but I loved Hyo Mi a lot. I was a badass at that time. I lost her trust. I don’t think she can forgive me even.’ I thought as I entered the dorm. I took off my cloths and went into the bathroom to take bath.

(Kang Hyo Mi’s POV)
              I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards my closet to choose a dress to wear. I’m used to be quiet for some reason I guess.
              ‘What should I wear? Should I wear the black plain dress or just some t-shirts and shorts?’ I thought as I went through the closet.
              At last I grab my white t-shirt and a pink short. I ran to my bathroom as I was running late. I worn the outfit and walked toward the mirror. I looked at my reflection and I smiled a little bit.
              I ran downstairs towards the bus where my manager Park was waiting. I went inside I can hear my fans screaming. My heart skipped a little bit as he drove it to the photographic studio.
              We arrived just in time. It was sharp 2pm and I was happy a little bit but also nervous. I didn’t know what to do.
              “Yah, Hyo Mi. we’re here you know? Get off the bus and get inside. I’ll be back after parking.” Manager Park cried out at me and I quickly walked out of the bus and ran into the studio.
              “You’re just in time Hyo Mi-ah.” I heard someone saying that to me. I turn around to see who it was and I saw Manager Shin of SHINee. I look around to see where the members are.
              “Manager Shin, such a pleasure to meet you.” I said to him not to be rude. He smiled and called out for his boys. SHINee members came running and I saw Jonghyun there.
              “These are my boys, it’s a pleasure to meet you too Hyo Mi. Where is your Manager?” he asked me and I pointed toward the parking lot. He walked towards the parking lot leaving me and the SHINee members.
              “Hello, we’re the shining SHINee.” They cried out at me and I smiled a little bit seeing them like that. Jonghyun was staring at me and I smiled at him.
              “Hey guys, I’m Hyo Mi. it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” I said to them as I bowed them 90 degrees. They smiled at me.
              “SHINee and Hyo Mi-ah please report to the makeup room in 10 minutes.” I heard the PA system calling out for us. I flinched at the sound as well as the SHINee members. I smiled at them and walked towards my makeup room.
              “Hyo Mi-ah!” I heard someone calling out for me. I turn around as I entered the makeup room. It was Suzy unnie. I ran to hug her and she returns the hug to me.
              “Unnie, what are you doing here?” I asked her and she pointed towards Taecyeon oppa. I smiled at him and waved at him.
              “Oh, Hyo Mi what are you doing here?” she asked me and I gave a long sigh. She looked at me surprised.
              “Unnie, I’m stuck here with SHINee members.” I said to her and she kept on showing her thinking face at me.
              “Which means?” she asked me and I scoffed her at and she looked at me surprised. I looked both the ways and grabbed her inside the makeup room.
              “Unnie, are you stupid? Jonghyun is here. He is my ex boyfriend for crying out loud.” I said to her and she gasped as she forgot something.
              “I met him like 2 minutes ago. Don’t you have to change and apply makeup?” she asked me. I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.
              “You’re right I should go change and go to doom’s life as well. See ya later unnie.” I said to her and walked towards one of the empty seats in front of the mirror. The makeup artist did a great job in makeup. I beamed as I saw the real cute me.
              “Why don’t you go and change now Hyo Mi?” one of the makeup artists asked me as she gave me the white dress.
              I gasped as I saw the dress. It looked so nice and so sexy and so beautiful. My hair was done in a sexy way and the dress was way too formal. More like a wedding.
              I worn the dress and walked out of the changing room. The makeup staffs broke into an applause which made me smile. I twirl around and walked out of the dressing room.
              I walked into the set and saw the SHINee members there with the photographer. I smiled as I saw them.
              “Uhm, Manager Park. I’m ready.” I said to him and all the eyes went towards me. Taemin looked at me as if his eyes were gonna bulge out any moment. They all gasped in surprise.
              “Wow.” I heard Jonghyun whisper which made me roll my eyes. I walked toward the photographer and asked him to explain the whole plot again.
              “Okay, first shot is with Hyo Mi and Jonghyun.” Photographer cried out as I make myself comfortable on the couch.
              I saw Jonghyun there walking towards me, the whole set like a zombie. I force a smiled at him and he looked at me with surprise.
              “Why did you agree to do this?” he whispered at me as he sat comfortably on the couch. I smiled at the camera.
              “I forgive you Kim Jonghyun as I know you were going to ask for forgiveness. It’s because I don’t want you to be sad because of me, that’s why.” I said to him and he looked at me in surprise.
              “Kim Jonghyun and Hyo Mi look at each other, yes like that. And then Jonghyun give a kiss on her forehead.” The photographer said that and he didn’t hesitate to do it. I smiled as he gave a kiss. The last kiss I guess. I sighed a little bit.
              “Okay that’s it for the wedding etude part; let’s go to the other set.” Photographer yelled as the crew started to get into rearranging the set. I walked out from the set and sat next to Key oppa.

(Jonghyun’s POV)
              I smiled as she walked out from the set. She sat next to Key and I walked towards them to grab a tissue. Well, the tissue box was near them so I have to go there if I was a tissue I guess.
              “Hyung it was amazing. It was like you both were made for each other. The wedding shoot is Daebak.” Taemin cried out at me and showed a thumbs-up sign as I walked towards Hyo Mi. I sat next to her and she smiled at me.
              “Sorry for it. And sorry for everything I did in the past. I know you can’t forgive me. But I’m really sorry.” I said to her and she nodded her head to say no and smiled at me.
              She didn’t change a bit. She was still the girl I used to know. The angelic smile even though she is sad, she smile to everyone through the tears. She never shows it to anyone.
              “It’s okay Jongy. Just don’t worry. Be happy with Soo young unnie. She deserves you.” She said to me and I smiled at her.
              “Yah, go get changed. Be quick.” Manager Shin cried out and we ran to the makeup room. I looked around and sighed in relief.
              “Jongy, is everything okay now?” Key asked me and I nodded at him and looked at the mirror. Seeing my reflection makes me happy.        
              “Please go get change in 10 minutes.” The makeup staffs cried out and we ran to the changing room. After getting change we walked out of the makeup room into the set. I walked out wearing nothing but black and white. I saw her wearing the same white dress she was wearing.
              “Isn’t she with us?” I asked her Manager Shin and he nodded his head to say no. I felt awkward. I’m here taking pictures with my ex girlfriend. Aren’t I actually cheating on my girlfriend?
              I walked towards the set with the SHINee members. It was the pictures for the Japan debut. I was glad that she wasn’t in this. Or else Soo young might kill me.
              After our photo shoot session was over, we had one more till 4pm. I was so exhausted. I didn’t want to be tired.
              But we had like one more, I held in the tiredness and walked to change again. I thought about Hyo Mi. she was such a pro at this. She is a junior but still she isn’t even a little bit exhausted.
              “Okay, you’re all done aren’t you? This is the last photo shoot of the day. It’s for the rebook. I’m really sorry, the etude CF shooting is at 5pm to 9pm. So it won’t be that bad I hope” the photographer said to us and motioned us to go to the set.
              “The first picture is Minho, Jonghyun and Hyo Mi. Please be a little comfortable.” The photographer said to us and showed us how to be like.
              “Yes, pretend that you’re whispering near his ears. Yes, Jonghyun please pretend that you’re jealous. Yes that’s it.” the photographer cried out and the truth is I was jealous.
              I was on the ladder and she was with Minho. They pretended to be happy and they tried to laugh a little bit. I was jealous a lot. I didn’t know what to do next.

(Kang Hyo Mi’s POV)
              I pretended to whisper near Minho’s ears and I can see his jealousy from his face. He kept looking at us from a side which made me Manage Shin laugh. I tried my best not to laugh but in the end I ended up laughing with Minho
              “Okay that’s it. Next photo please be ready.” The photographer cried out and motioned the staffs to get ready the set.
              The photographer showed us a sketch he drew. I looked at it and it was more like a bed scene, where all of us are together. But Taemin is holding my hand as he explained to us.
              “Okay, please be like that. Except Taemin and Hyo Mi, others pretend that you’re sleeping. Yes like that. Taemin hold her hand a little bit, yes like that.” He said to us as he took the pictures.
              I stood up from that set and walked towards the fan. It was so hot, I needed to keep myself cooled. I smiled to myself as I sat next to the fan.
              “Noona, you’re hogging the fan.” Taemin said to me as he pouted at me. I laughed as the photographer came towards us again.
              “The next shot will be Key, Taemin, Jonghyun and Onew with Hyo Mi. Hyo Mi you’ve to hold Jonghyun’s cheeks a little bit like this. And you’ll be sitting next to him but on the floor.” He showed us and said to me. I smiled a little bit but I felt awkward.
              We walked toward the set and did the pose as he said. It was awkward but I really like it. I forced myself to smile at that awkward moment.
              After that photo shoot I felt like I couldn’t breathe.  I felt like I was out of oxygen. But I didn’t know why I was like that.
            “Please come over here to see the pictures.” The photographer cried out and we ran over there to see the pictures. I smiled as I saw the latest photo shoot pictures.                                                                                                             
              I looked at the pictures and smiled a little bit. But still I can’t sigh in relief. We still had the CF to shoot. I didn’t know what to do.

(At the CF shooting)
              I walked into the set wearing the same white dress I wore for the photo shoot with Jonghyun. I was so nervous. I didn’t know what to do.
              “All the stars please come over here. I’ll show you the sketches of the scenes that you’ll be doing” The director called to us and I walked over there with trembling hands.
              “Okay here it is. The first scene is with Key, Key will see her in the basket court and Key will run over to her and give a kiss on her cheeks. Next scene is with Taemin, you will be in the café and when Taemin tried to kiss you a phone call will come. Apparently it’ll be Jonghyun. Jonghyun will meet you at the Terrace and will kiss you on the lips. Got it? Let’s start it then. Places everyone” the director cried out.
              We were at the basket court and it started to shoot. I just pretended that there was no one beside me. Just key and me.
              All of a sudden Key ran up to me and kissed me on the cheeks and I smiled at the camera and took the lip gloss I had in my pocket and showed it toward the camera.
              After that shoot we had Taemin’s scene. I had fun with everyone. It was more like real, like I was playing with them all.
              I walked into the café when the director cried out saying ‘action’. Taemin was there behind the counter and I sat near the table which was situated near the window. I saw Taemin walking towards me with my cappuccino and he was about to kiss me when my phone ranged. It was Jonghyun. I smiled and looked towards the camera and did the same thing I did with Key.
              The next scene was with Jonghyun. I was nervous as I sat on the bench which was situated on the terrace. I smiled as I looked up towards the sky. My lip gloss drop onto the floor and I bend down to get it.
              When Jonghyun grabbed it and handed it to me. He handed to me and kissed me right on the lips. I was shocked and my eyes were ready to bulge out.
              “Love sick? Choose etude lip gloss, ‘love me till death’.” I said to the camera and again Jonghyun kissed me. From that scene we finished the whole CF. it was around 7pm when we finished.
              I was tired as I packed my bag. I looked around and saw the SHINee members busy talking about the scene.
              “Hyo Mi ah, can I talk to you for a while?” I heard someone asking me. I turn around to see who it was and I saw Jonghyun. I smiled and nodded my head to say yes.

(Jonghyun’s POV)
              We walked towards the parking lot. I didn’t know how to ask her, but again I felled for her. I want her back. The kiss I can never forget it.
              “Hyo Mi ah, I don’t know how to tell you but can you give me one more chance to be with you again?” I asked her nervously. She looked at me surprised and then she bit her lower lips.
              “Jonghyun, do you know that we love once and marry once and die once? I can’t love you again; it means I can’t be with you again. I do love you but be with Soo young. Make her happy for me. It’s too late Jonghyun. I’m sorry.” She said to me and left me there in the parking lot which made me look at her in surprise.
              She walked towards another person who was Kim Hyung Joong. She kissed her and hugged her. She was now someone’s. I lost her, it was my fault.
              “Hyung let’s leave. Did you say goodbye to her?” Key asked me and I gave a weak smile as I nodded at him.
              “Sometimes I wish she was with me always, but now I know I was a badass in the past. Now I should make Soo young happy.” I mumbled to myself as I sat near the window seat.
              I looked at her with Kim Hyung Joong Hyung, she was so happy. She was excited to see him. She caught me staring at her; she waved me goodbye and the other members as well.
              Its true love can happen once, true love that is. I love you Hyo Mi. I will love you till the end.


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